Friday, October 14, 2005

"Do you ever feel like, "I am fooling everyone"?"

In the movie, Elizabethtown (not that I've seen it yet - this part is in the trailer), Kirsten Dunst asks "do you ever feel like, "I am fooling everyone"?" Orlando Bloom responds with "you have no idea." It caught my attention because this is a topic that a coworker and I were recently discussing. At first I thought I was among the silent minority, suffering from the IAFE syndrome, but I am realizing more and more that everyone must feel that way to some extent, or in some aspect of their lives. It's not that people purposely try to hide who they are from the world (although that is true for some). It's more that only each individual knows the extent of their sin. No matter how bad a person may be on the outside, it does not measure up against the wickedness of which he is capable. It is impossible for anyone to know everything about someone else. That is a mercy of God. Only God is capable of knowing His children completely and still loving them.

The Muse of the Deep Blue

"Pushing through green waters
Symbol of joy
You leap from the depths
To touch the sky
Scattering spray
Like handfuls of jewels..."
~ Horace Dobbs