Monday, December 22, 2008

There's No Place Like Home...

So I'll drive as fast as I can go
Through the black night, black ice and all snow
Till I see some street signs that I know
I'm coming home!!!

~ Relient K

Granted, after living in this area for the past 7 years, all the signs are familiar, but there is a different kind of familiar to the landmarks near the town I grew up in - the town that will forever be "home." As soon as I get to the overpass on Staten Island that has the word "savior," written out in grafitti, I get that anxious feeling, as I cross the Verazanno Bridge and see the cityscape to my left, my heart begins to race, and when I finally see the green signs with white lettering, telling me that the next right will take me into my hometown, I can hardly contain my excitement. You would think that after all these years, it would lose its novelty, but it never does. As much as I love to travel and roam the world, there is just something about home that gives me a feeling no other place can. I guess it is the stablizing factor in my life. I have to admit that prefer the ride during the summer months - like when I go home for 4th of July or Labor Day. But it is always worth it, even when it means weathering extreme wind, sub-zero temperatures, snow, sleep deprivation, and other hardships. This week, however, is the craziest driving week I have done in a LONG time. After driving through the night on Thursday, I spent Friday-Sunday with my family. I left home at 0230 this morning and arrived at work by 0645. I am working today and tomorrow, and then back on the road Wednesday so that I can be home for Christmas this year. Last year was fun in its own way, but I am SO looking forward to being with my family and enjoying the fireplace, food, and fellowship (not quite in that order) at Grandma's house. So if you happen to be awake around 0300 on Wednesday morning, please say a prayer for my safe arrival home.