Tuesday, June 10, 2008

One of "THOSE" days...

Why is it that whenever we say "it is one of those days..." we are never referring to one of those wonderful, everything-is-going-perfect days? Is it because we forget to be grateful for them? Or it is that they are so common we don't even think to mention the good days? Or is it that we think we are entitled to those and so when they come along, our attitude is more of "finally! I get break."? I know for myself, I am thankful for the big things - the in-your-face, amazingly fantastic things - but the little blessings that surround me every day tend to go unnoticed. On the other hand, truly BAD things rarely happen to me, yet I will let the tiniest set-backs affect my mood. It's really quite ridiculous when you think about it. I have been thinking about it... It was brought to my attention because a friend of mine does the exact opposite, thanking God daily for the little things, while never giving the little hinderances in life a second thought. I think it is time for an attitude change. And I need to start with the way I think (and talk) about each of the days I am given.
Wow! Challenged already! As I am writing this, I got an email from my flatmate, informing me that I got a parking ticket that I did not know about. What can I say? At least I HAVE a car. =)