Friday, December 04, 2009

My New Hobby

kind of...

Mother decided she wanted a wreath and so collected stray branches while we were at the Christmas tree farm. I had never made a wreath before, but Mom has this belief that I can do ANYTHING... so I was not about to disappoint her! We went to the hardware store and bought some thin wire, then collected holly leaves and berries from the neighborhood, along with a few pinecones, proceded to raid the house for bows, ribbon, glitter, and glue, and went to work.

Mom cut branches into workable pieces as I bound them together with wire and forced them into a circle-like shape. We reinforced our wreath by wiring stronger branches along the backside, and tada! A pine branch circle. =)

Mom added glitter to the pinecones and leaves while I wired the various decorations into place. The result: a fabulous Christmas wreath on the front door!

We were so pleased with it, we made a second one for Grandma.

My family is now teasing me about having found my new career. =) As much fun as it was, I don't think my hands to take all the poking pine needles long-term. They are pretty much "to'e up" as it is!

A Christmas Tradition

It has been many years now that we (my family and I) drive an hour or so out east to the Christmas tree farm. We walk around picking out trees only to have other family members ridicule your choice and declare that you have no taste when it comes to finding a Christmas tree. We rib each other and tease all in good fun, and eventually settle on a tree that is not quite as nice as the very first one we saw because there is no way to find that one again. ;-P

This was my first choice, but it was vetoed by the fam... I still can't figure out why...

So, this is the one we ended up with. What can I say, sometimes ya gotta settle. hahaha...=) Just kidding. We all agreed on it (I think).

J. chopped it down, we put it in the minivan, brought it home, and set it ablaze - in colorful lights, of course!