Friday, March 02, 2007

Happy Read Dr. Seuss Day!

And in honor of the occasion, here are the words to one of my favorite childhood books. (Also, if you scroll down past the first One fish, two fish, Red fish, Blue fish, you will find a parody called The Rest of the Story - I thought it was pretty funny). =)
One fish
two fish
Red fish
Blue fish.
Black fish
Blue fish
Old fish
New fish

This one has
a little star.

This one has a little car.
Say! What a lot
of fish there are.

Yes. Some are red. And some are blue.
Some are old. And some are new.
Some are sad.
And some are glad.
And some are very, very bad.

Why are they
sad and glad and bad?
I do not know.
Go ask your dad

Some are thin.
And some are fat.
The fat one has
a yellow hat.

From there to here,
from here to there,
funny things
are everywhere.

Here are some
who like to run.
They run for fun
in the hot, hot sun.

Oh me! Oh my!
Oh me! Oh my!
What a lot
of funny things go by.

Some have two feet
and some have four.
Some have six feet
and some have more.

Where do they come from? I can't say.
But I bet they have come
a long, long way.

We see them come.
We see them go.

Some are fast.
And some are slow.
Some are high.
And some are low.

Not one of them
is like another.
Don't ask us why.
Go ask your mother.

Look at his fingers!
One, two, three...
How many fingers
do I see?

One, two, three, four
five, six, seven,
eight , nine, ten.
He has eleven!

This is something new.
I wish I had
eleven, too!

Did you ever ride a Wump?
We have a Wump
with just one hump.

we know a man
called Mr. Gump.
Mr. Gump has a seven hump Wump.
if you like to go Bump! Bump!
Just jump on the hump of the Wump of Gump

Who am I?
My name is Ned.
I do not like
my little bed.

This is no good.
This is not right.
My feet stick out
of bed all night.

And when I pull them in,
Oh, dear!
My head sticks out of bed
up here!

We like our bike.
It is made for three.
Our Mike
sits up in back,
you see.

We like our Mike
and this is why:
Mike does all the work
when the hills get high.

Hello there, Ned.
How do you do?
Tell me, tell me
What is new?
How are things
in your little bed?
What is new?
Please tell me, Ned.

I do not like
this bed at all.
A lot of things
have come to call.
A cow, a dog, cat, a mouse.
Oh! What a bed! Oh! What a house!

Oh, dear! Oh, dear!
I can not hear.
Will you please
come over near?
Will you please look in my ear?
There must be something there, I fear.

Say, look!
A bird was in your ear.
But he is out. So have no fear.
Again your ear can hear, my dear.

My hat is old.
My teeth are gold.

I have a bird
I like to hold.

My shoe is off.
My foot is cold.

My shoe is off.
My foot is cold.

I have a bird
I liked to hold.

My hat is old.
My teeth are gold.

And now
my story
is all told.

We took a look.
We saw a Nook.
On his head
he had a hook.
On his hook
he had a book.
On his book
was "How to Cook."

We saw him sit
and try to cook.
He took a look
at the book on the hook.

But a Nook can't read,
so a Nook can't cook.
what good to a Nook is hook cook book?

The moon was out
and we saw some sheep.
We saw some sheep
take a walk in their sleep.

By the light of the moon
by the light of a star,
they walked all night
from near to far.

I would never walk.
I would take a car.

I do not like
this one so well.
All he does
is yell, yell, yell.
I will not have this one about.
When he comes in
I put him out.

This one is
quiet as a mouse.
I like to have him
in the house.

At our house
we open cans.
WE have to open
many cans.
And that is why
we have a Zans.

A Zans for cans
is very good.
Have you a Zans for cans?
You should.

I like to box.
How I like to box!
So, every day,
I box a Gox.

In yellow socks
I box in Gox.
I box in yellow
Gox box socks.

It is fun to sing
if you sing with a Ying.
My Ying can sing
like anything.

I sing high
and my Ying sings low,
and we are not too bad,
you know.

This one,
I think,
is called
a Yink.

He likes to wink,
he likes to drink.

He likes to drink, and drink, and drink.
The thing he likes to drink
is ink.
The ink he likes to drink is pink.
He likes to wink and drink pink ink.

if you have a lot of ink,
then you should get
a Yink, I think.

Hop! Hop! Hop!
I am a Yop.
All I like to do is hop
from finger top
to finger top.

I hop from left to right
and then...
Hop! Hop!
I hop right back again.

I like to hop
all day and night
from right to left
and left to right.

Why do I like to
hop, hop, hop?
I do not know.
Go ask your Pop.

Brush! Brush!
Brush! Brush!

Comb! Comb!
Comb! Comb!

Blue hair
is fun
to brush and comb.

All girls who like
to brush and comb
should have a pet
like this at home.

Who is this pet?
He is wet.

You never yet
met a pet,
I bet,
as wet as they let
this wet pet get.

Did you ever
fly a kite
in bed?

Did you ever walk
with ten cats
on your head?

Did you ever milk
this kind of cow?
Well, we can do it.
We know how.

If you never did,
you should.
These things are fun
and fun is good.

Are you there?
I called you up
to say hello.
I said hello.
Can you hear me, Joe?

Oh, no.
I can not hear your call.
I can not hear your call at all.
This is not good
and I know why.
A mouse has cut the wire.

From near to far
from here to there,
funny things are everywhere.

These yellow pets
are called the Zeds.
They have one hair
up on their heads.
Their hair grows fast...
so fast, they say,
they need a hair cut
every day.

Who am I?
My name is Ish.
On my hand I have a dish.

I have this dish
to help me wish.

When I wish to make a wish
I wave my hand with a big swish swish.
Then I say, "I wish for fish!"
And I get fish right on my dish.

if you wish to wish a wish,
you may swish for fish
with my Ish wish dish.

Look what we found
in the park
in the dark.
We will take him home.
We will call him Clark.

He will live at our house.
He will grow and grow.
Will our mother like this?
We don't know.

And now
good night.
It is time to sleep.
So we will sleep
with our pet Zeep.

Today is gone. Today was fun.
Tomorrow is another one.
Every day,
from here to there,
funny things are everywhere.

The Rest of the Story
One day I layed out from school,
Sick and stuck in bed,
The worst headache of my life
Was pounding in my head.

My dad came in
Asked how I was feeling,
And if anything could be done,
While at my bedside he was kneeling.

Well, I wanted a story,
But his were always so deep
I knew in a minute
I'd soon be asleep.

He said he would do it,
But couldn't think of one off-hand.
So he asked me what kind
Would fit my demand.

"Well, I've always wondered,"
I said with a cough,
"What happened in those stories
When Dr. Seuss left off."

He cleared his throat
And proceeded to say,
"If you always have wondered
You'll find out today."

First, came the Grinch's story.
How Santa forgot where he did live.
And his three sizes grown heart
Fell right through a sieve.

And it shrank back down
It had to have been four
Sizes at least,
But it might have been more.

And it wasn't just that year
He stole the Who's christmas fun.
Christmas hasn't come
There since 1961.

Then he told about the kids
Who once hopped on pop,
You see, they cracked his rib
And had to stop.

Scrambled egg super
Became popular in France.
And the wocket in my pocket
Put a hole in my pants.

And Horton who hatched the egg
Was another bad thing.
You see, those elephant birds
Simply could not sing.

And they arose in such numbers,
There were so many herds,
The skies were just filled
With those elephant birds.

And you had to be careful
When you looked to the skies,
'Cause you didn't want in your face
What could fall from those guys.

People were so mad at them
They'd kill them for no reason.
Now you can only hunt them
During elephant bird season.

Mr. Brown
Won a mooing contest,
But what happenned to the fox in socks
Was the best.

He became a sock model,
And his look is so keen
I've got hunches in bunches
He's going to be seen.

Then the guy who saw
Old Mulberry Street.
They put him in a straight jacket,
And that wasn't too neat.

They said he was crazy
When he told what he saw.
Even his rubberroom mates
Would listen and guffaw.

And the fellow who said,
"If I ran the zoo."
Finally got his wish,
But didn't know what to do.

The lions got loose
And so did the bears.
People'd come in threes
And leave in pairs.

Hundreds threatened,
And dozens did sue.
Everything went wrong
At that poorly run zoo.

Poor Bartholmomew Cubbins'
Hats were gone in a flash,
When a huge swarm of moths
Hit the entire stash.

In a second they'd eaten
To the five hundreth hat.
It's a pity insurance
Won't cover things like that.

Trying to lick
Thirty tigers today
Got one boy arrested
And sent to prison straightway.

Now he resides
In a place called San Quentin
With the Sneetches, the Oobleck
And President Clinton.

And when Marvin K. Mooney
Left where he stood,
The consequences there
Were not at all good.

He went into the road,
And was hit by a bus.
If only the narrator
Had not made him rush.

Saying, "Will you please go now!"
Led him to his attack.
Too bad no one on the curb
Yelled, "Marvin, please step back!"

And guess who was driving
The bus during that
Why, it was none other
Than the Cat in the Hat.

The same Cat in the Hat
Who got those kids in such trouble,
They were sent to boarding school
Right on the double.

You see, Thing 1 and Thing 2
Had eaten all the food,
The fish finally tattled
About them being so rude.

Now the Cat sits on the sidewalk
Wanting you to throw coins in
To his red and white hat
Now so worn out and thin.

And when you lie in the gutter
Of a busy city street
Oh, how many
Feet you meet.

Thing 1 and Thing 2
Had a bad case also
They got in a fight
And their seperate ways they did go.

Now Thing 1's in New York
And Thing 2's in L.A.
Or maybe vice versa
Who's who's still hard to say.

McElligot's pool
Dried up and then
The poor man's income
Got incredibly thin.

And when they took the crown
From King Yertle's head
Oh, say can you say
The things that that turtle said.

The king's stilts, I am
Sorry to say
Were destroyed by termites,
Eaten completely away.

And that fellow who ate
The green eggs and ham
Died of food poisoning,
And as for Sam-I-Am.

They sent him to the big house
On a murder charge, you see.
Showed the whole trial.
Right there on t.v.

My dad told each of those
With a smile on his face,
And each one he told
Made my pulse race.

When he left the room
I commenced snoring
Thankful that for once
His story wasn't boring.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Every day is...

a good day to paint your toes red.

Well, for the female population, anyway... =P Posted by Picasa

Movie Review: Amazing Grace

Impressive. That is the most apprpriate word to describe both the life of William Wilberforce and the movie that depicts it. This is the first time I have seen an overtly "Christian" movie that, in its technical and artistic skill, can hold its own in the mainstream movie industry. There were a couple of aspects I felt were unnecessary or inappropriate. First, there was no need to use some of the language that was in there (several, what the movie rating system would call "mild obscenities"). Second, some of the women wore extremely low-cut dresses (now, I understand that was the fashion of the that time period, but they could have been a little more modestly attired). Those issues aside, it was a very good movie. For those of you who like the A&E Horatio Hornblower series, you will enjoy Ioan Grufford's performance as William Wilberforce. By the way, the make-up artists did a great job aging him. It is not easy to make a person look realistically old and in ill health when they are not.
The movie seemed to be done very true-to-life. I would have to read up on William Wilberforce and William Pitt a little more to be a real judge of the matter. What Amazing Grace did capture was the intense passion with witch Wilberforce lived his life. Here are a couple of quotes (not in the movie) that I really liked.
If to be feelingly alive to the sufferings of my fellow-creatures is to be a fanatic, I am one of the most incurable fanatics ever permitted to be at large.

And, sir, when we think of eternity, and of the future consequences of all human conduct, what is there in this life that should make any man contradict the dictates of his conscience, the principles of justice, the laws of religion, and of God?

Like I said at the beginning, he was an impressive guy.

So, would I recommend seeing this one? Highly. I plan to buy it when it comes out on DVD (and I rarely do that).

On a purely pesonal note, I saw where Wilberforce and Pitt were buried in Westminster Abbey when I was there in 2002. I wish I had appreciated it more at the time, but there was so much to take in, and as is often the case, I took many things for granted, not fully comprehending their historical significance. =(

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My Carbon Footprint: 10,464

That is lower than the average person in the UK (10,963), much lower than the average household (26,316), and obviously, ridiculously lower than Al Gore.

And that's even with an SUV! I am impressive. =)

So, what is your carbon footprint? Click here to find out.

No one knows but your...librarian?

Since I can remember, the library has always one of my favorite places to go. I was 5 years old when I got my first library card (and din't have to use Mom's anymore). Then when I started high school, I got "white card" (almost a full-fledged adult card, except that you can't take out videos - that was before the age of DVDs). And, finally, when I hit 18, I got the star punch in the upper corner of my card. I had full access to the library and all its resources! Since then I have moved around a bit and the first thing I do is find the nearest library and apply for a card. I go there at least three times a week (probably closer to five). This has evoked much teasing from my friends, as I often begin my sentences with, I just got this book (or CD, DVD, etc) out of the library...

So, I was there yesterday and one of the unfriendly librarians (most there are actually pretty nice) checked me out. As she was scanning the 10 items I was borrowing, she gave me a rather quizzical look. I wasn't sure if she remembered me from Friday and was wondering why I was back so soon, or if she thought my choice of books and CDs was odd (she may have just been irritated that I still hadn't paid the fines I owed). Regardless what she was thinking, that look got me thinking about how much the librarians could know about me (if they pay any attention, which I doubt). From yesterday's check-out alone, she could have guessed that I love photography, I am planning to make a quilt, I am working on a crochetting project, I have begun training for a sprint triathlon, I listen to books on cassette, and I like classical music. That's a lot of information... I mean, more than the average person who doesn't know me could figure out. And they say hairstylist have the corner on the information market. I think librarians may have one up on us.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Word of the Day: Hard-pressed

That's what the weatherman said this morning...
You will be hard-pressed to find any roads that are NOT completely clear.

You know not how those words hurt. I had my heart set on a snow day, but apparently that was not to be. Not today anyway. =(