Friday, October 27, 2006

I am going to live to 104!

Yup. It's true. The death clock told me so. My date of death is Sunday, March 19, 20... (I can't tell you the year 'cuz then you'd be able to figure out how old I am now and I can't have that! Women are supposed to lie about their age. It's what they do).
Ok, so I do not usually do stupid things like that, but I saw the website and was curious...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A legendary day in the life of Islandgirl!

I bowled a 152, which in and of itself is a miracle, but even more miraculous... The first 4 frames were strikes! Can you believe it?! I was there, and it's hard for me to believe. Once again, people thought I was lying when I said I was a horrible bowler (this is the second time I've made myself look like a liar when bowling).

Feeling: Inadequate

It's a fear that keeps me wide awake
In the middle of the night
When the expectations are too great and the bar gets raised too high

So I do the best with what I've got
And hope that no one knows
That I strain to see how high I can
Try to stand on these toes
Until I'm measure, but you know better

~ Nichole Nordeman