Saturday, April 01, 2006

SOOOO Proud of My Brothers!!!

I just found out that my big, little brother is going to be a baseball coach this spring so that his cousin can play. I am SO impressed that he is willing to give up his own time to do this!

Soon after hearing that news, I was also informed that my baby brother (ok, so he's not a baby anymore, but it's hard to remember he's growing up) was asked to be the team captain on his team!

So, I just wanted to brag on them for a moment =)

Friday, March 31, 2006

What a Hypocrite!

Ummm... that would be me. =( I always get on other people for going weeks on end without posting, and here I am without a single post for the last 2 weeks!

So, I repent in dust and ashes and beg y'all's forgiveness (yes, it has been confirmed by very realiable sources - namely, my southern friends - that y'all's is the plural possessive of you).

I can't promise anything, but I am going to try to be better at posting more regularly. I suppose since I am repenting (turning from my bad ways) that means I have to be better. Ok, I will, except when exigent circumstances prevent me from doing so.

As an aside, the green is in honor of spring =) Spring just makes me smile!