Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Thank God for the Cross!!!

I was reading through some quotes I had saved a while back and came across one that seemed fitting with Good Friday coming up:

We want a God without wrath who took man without sin into a kingdom without justice through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross.
~ H. Richard Niebuhr, The Kingdom of God in America

Of course, if man were without sin, there would be no need for wrath or justice. I suppose what we really want when we ask for such things is simply to be allowed our "pet" sins without paying the penalty. We would not mind justice if we were in the right. It is only the one suffering punishment who dislikes justice. But we are never willing to do things God's way. Isn't that why Christ was crucified in the first place? Our first parents were not willing to obey, so Christ became man and entered our world. Even then, he was rejected by His own people because He did not fit the man-made position description for "messiah."

The disciples also wanted "the ministrations of a Christ without a cross." When Jesus told them of His impending death and resurrection, Peter refused to believe Him, saying: "This shall never happen to you!"(Matt 16:22)

The cross is a hard thing. It is a constant reminder of the extent of my own sinfulness, and in that way it is difficult to think about, but it is also a promise (and fulfillment) of God's great love for me. Because of that, I will forever thank God for the cross!

Embrace the cross where Jesus suffered
Though it will cost you all you claim as yours…
Your sacrifice will seem small beside the treasure
Eternity can’t measure ..................
what Jesus holds in store

Embrace the life that comes from dying
Come trace the steps the Savior walked for you
An empty tomb concludes Golgotha's sorrow
Endure then 'til tomorrow.............
..................your cross of suffering
Embrace the cross…the cross of Jesus.

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