Monday, January 08, 2007


Ok, so I had NO desire to see this movie whatsoever (my little brother wanted to see it and kept talking about it while I was home - I told him "absolutely not!"), but as the irony of life would have it, I did see it. And in the end, I really liked it! For those of you who do not like hocus pocus movies, you will not like it (there are spells and various forms of magic). It was very much on the line of Lord of the Rings (which I totally expected from the previews). The violence was much less graphic, though, and the storyline much less complicated. My favorite part of the whole movie: baby Sephira. I mean, what is cuter than a baby dragon?! =P Here are a couple of memorable quotes:

Eragon: "But I am not without fear."
Saphira: "Without fear, there is no courage."

Durza : "I knew you were young, but I expected you to be more... well, more."

King Hrothgar: "I was expecting someone - "

Eragon: " - more. I know. I've heard it before."

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