Tuesday, February 27, 2007

No one knows but your...librarian?

Since I can remember, the library has always one of my favorite places to go. I was 5 years old when I got my first library card (and din't have to use Mom's anymore). Then when I started high school, I got "white card" (almost a full-fledged adult card, except that you can't take out videos - that was before the age of DVDs). And, finally, when I hit 18, I got the star punch in the upper corner of my card. I had full access to the library and all its resources! Since then I have moved around a bit and the first thing I do is find the nearest library and apply for a card. I go there at least three times a week (probably closer to five). This has evoked much teasing from my friends, as I often begin my sentences with, I just got this book (or CD, DVD, etc) out of the library...

So, I was there yesterday and one of the unfriendly librarians (most there are actually pretty nice) checked me out. As she was scanning the 10 items I was borrowing, she gave me a rather quizzical look. I wasn't sure if she remembered me from Friday and was wondering why I was back so soon, or if she thought my choice of books and CDs was odd (she may have just been irritated that I still hadn't paid the fines I owed). Regardless what she was thinking, that look got me thinking about how much the librarians could know about me (if they pay any attention, which I doubt). From yesterday's check-out alone, she could have guessed that I love photography, I am planning to make a quilt, I am working on a crochetting project, I have begun training for a sprint triathlon, I listen to books on cassette, and I like classical music. That's a lot of information... I mean, more than the average person who doesn't know me could figure out. And they say hairstylist have the corner on the information market. I think librarians may have one up on us.

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