Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Merry Christmas in July! =D

Normally, I ignore this quasi-holiday (not that I am exaclty celebrating it today), but today, as I was sitting in traffic after an abnormally frustrating medical appointment with truly INCOMPETANT people (nothing like government medical care... Michael Moore can take his socialized healthcare and shove it!), I turned on the radio and began channel surfing. It did not take long to come across "All I Want for Christmas." It made me smile, reminiscing on happier moments, surrounded by family, bright lights, colorful paper, and lots of love. My thoughts soon turned to Christmas '07... Where will I be? What will I be doing? Who will I be celebrating with? Will we celebrate at all? It's not like I haven't thought about those things before, but each time I do, there is a sadness that accompanies those thoughts. This will be my first Thanksgiving and Christmas away from home. =( The thought of it is just depressing... So, back to thoughts of Christmases past and happier, carefree times.

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