Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Wedding

It was absolutely beautiful in every way! The bride was beautiful, the flowers were beautiful, the ceremony was beautiful, even the programs (is that what you call them in a wedding?) were beautiful... well, you get the picture. =)

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered..."

"With this ring..."

My favorite part was the hour I spent doing the bride's hair and getting her ready for the happiest day of her life (so far). We had a room in the church all to ourselves for wedding preperations, and the other bridesmaids did not start arriving until after I had finished her hair, so we had a quiet, unstressed hour together (the last time I would have with her before she became "Mrs. R").

K did an amazing job with all the flowers, from the bouquets to the boutonnieres to the arrangments in both the church and reception hall. Yeah, she's pretty much a rock star!

1 comment:

Just Me said...

Hi Kerri,

I don't know if you remember me, but I went to PHC with Bekah the first year. I found your blog through Leah Zetterholm's. I would so like to have been at the wedding, but due to family issues wasn't able to be. Unfortunately, the pictures won't load for me. Is it possible to have you e-mail one or two to me? My email is blessdinpvco @ I would be so grateful, if that isn't too much to ask.

Thank you!!

Terri (Silzell) White