Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bejing 2008: The Opening Ceremony

Impressive. That is the first word that comes to mind when asked to describe the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympics. It was definitely the best I have ever seen! I sat mesmerized for an hour at the sheer artistry, innovation, ability, and extravigance displayed on the screen before me. I was literally awe-struck from the very beginning with the opening drums, and could not help but think as I watched 2,008 Chinese men all beating their drums in perfect synchronization, I hope we never go to war with China. I would not want to oppose and adversary with a seemingly inexhaustable supply of human resources, and one that can be so disciplined. It was actually a little scary. What amazed me the most was the "over-the-top-ness" of it all. Everything was done on such a grand scale. It was never a couple of this or a few of that, but thousands - a TV screen that covered the ceiling, projecting awe-inspiring images of massive whales, swimming through the ocean and the like - thousands of women, in intricately-designed costumes! It was like nothing I have ever seen before, and I will be surprised if any country will be able to rival it.

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