Friday, November 21, 2008

Word of the day: Tofurkey

This morning in the gym, I heard a newscaster use this word. She was apparently appalled by the video of Sarah Palin pardonning a turkey, while another one was being slaughtered right behind her (in full view of the camera).
I never understood the tradition of pardonning a turkey, but I do not see what the big deal is that the killing of a turkey wound up on a news station (and now all across the world on the internet!). It's not like it was a useless torture killing. The majority of Americans will be eating turkey next Thursday. We are not stupid people. We all know that those turkeys were once living, breathing creatures, and are now dinner.

As for the word tofurkey, it is real. I assumed she had made it up on the spot (guess I gave her too much credit). But I looked it up online and there are a number of websites selling tofurkey. If you are interested, there is even a Wikipedia entry. As interesting as tofurkey may be, I for one am looking forward to an authentic turkey dinner!

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