Tuesday, April 21, 2009

You know you are not a girly girl when...

10. It takes you less than 2o minutes to get ready in the morning.

9. "Doing your hair" consists of adding a hand-full of gel.

8. You have a pull-up bar, hung in your closet.

7. You can tell the difference between an M-4 and an M-16, but think that diamonds and cubic zirconia look the same.

6. You prefer spending hours in the gym over hours in the mall.

5. Every book in your reading list has something to do with war or military history.

4 . Your favorite article of clothing is a brown, PolarTech, fleece.

3. "Accessorizing" consists of wearing a set of dog tags.

2. Your idea of comfort food is N.O. Explode and a protein bar.

And #1:
The most expensive footwear in your closet is a pair of combat boots (closely followed by your running shoes). =P

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