Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On a blogging hiatus

For those of you who keep up with my blog on a regular (or semi-regular) basis, you know that I have been training for sometime now for Marine Corps Officer Candidate School. Despite a number of setbacks, including illness, a sinus infection, a pulled muscle, an injured joint, tattoo and age waivers, and several mix-ups, my PFT eventually reached a passing score, the waivers were approved, the administrative stuff sorted itself out, and I was given the green light. I report to OCS on Thursday and embark on what will probably be the toughest 10 week journey of my life! While I do not know exactly what to expect, I do know I will not have the ability (or probably even the inclination) to blog for the next several weeks, at least. Lord willing, I will complete all 10 weeks successfully, in which case, I will graduate and commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the USMC on Saturday, August 8th. At that point, I have no doubt that there will be plenty of stories to fill numerous blogs! Until then, it is farewell. I hope that the next time I write here it will be as one of the few and proud. =)

1 comment:

Janice Phillips said...

Semper fi and HOORA!!