Thursday, September 24, 2009

Beauty in Imperfection

While cleaning my bedroom (quite the event), I came across a shell that I had picked up along the shore in Vieques last spring. I left most of the shells we collected with her in a basket that she put out on the back porch at home, but this one was unwanted... I remember that day very clearly. We were walking along the north shore of the island when I saw it lying there on the beach among the many other shells - it was a conch, or had been. What was left of it was only the center stem of the shell. The outer shell was completely gone and the edges had been smoothed away by the constant friction of the waves and sand. I picked it up and called over to where my Mom and sister were standing, "look, Mommy, isn't it pretty?!" (yes, I still call her Mommy and will continue to do so as long as I live). To my dismay she shook here head disapprovingly and said, "it's broken." I was disappointed that she didn't see the beauty in it. I still thought it was pretty and so I stuck it in my pocket and continued on down the beach. Thinking back on that day, I find it ironic that no one else liked my broken shell, considering what it was we were really out there looking for. My family has a thing for "ancient glass" and since the north shore of Vieques is known for having a veritable trove of ancient glass, we set out on a mission to retrieve some. Of course, all it is is broken beer bottles that have spent enough time in the elements to smooth out their sharp edges and give their once clear, glossy veneer, a frosted and worn appearance.
As I thought about it, I realized the same is true in life. We strive endlessly for an unattainable goal of perfection and miss the beauty of what God is doing with our lives through the trials that come our way, the lessons learned through mistakes we've made, and the refining process that often accompanies our pain. Beyond all of that, it is our imperfection that points us back to the One who is perfect. And, while we strive for the holiness He requires, He can use even our weakness and imperfection for His glory. Now that is beautiful!

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