Saturday, December 12, 2009

Honoring Our Fallen

We arrived at Arlington National Cemetery at 0830, walked to archway entrance, and followed the throngs of people to one of the wreath-laden trucks. After waiting for some time, I scored a box of wreaths and we went to work. At first we got yelled at for being in the wrong section, but eventually we made it to the "open-wreathing" section. =)

The spruce wreaths with their bright, red bows looked so beautiful against the rows of marble, marking the resting places of men and women who have given so much for this country.

There many service members there... but I have to admit, I still have a weakness for USMC dress blues. =)

Here is a wreath I laid...

It was a small thing to give... an hour's time or so, but I guess in some ways it's the thought that counts. It was a good reminder to me to be thankful for all we have and of the great cost of our freedom here in America.

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