Thursday, September 27, 2012

Light and Other Mysteries

As a wannabe photographer, I find light intriguing, and by extension, shadows. Like most people who live in this region, I do a lot of driving. Commuting to work, to church, schlepping to the store, visiting my fiance, friends, and family... Nothing is close. I find myself driving at all times of day and night. One of the things I often take note of is how the daylight (or lack thereof) influences what I see. In my opinion, there is a particular beauty in the glint of the early morning sunlight as it kisses each blade of grass and drenches the leaves in its golden warmth. It makes me want to pull over every two seconds and pull out the camera to capture it - to be able to revisit it at some future time, or share it with others.
All of this contemplation on light and shadows got me thinking on a whole other set of philosophical topics - predominantly, the creator of both the earth and sun, Whose character can be seen to some extent in His creation.
One particularly beautiful morning, as I was driving to my beloved's, I had a sudden revelation. If God were the sun, we would be those blades of grass. We reflect His love and His light, but only to the extent that we are in that light. And just as the earth moves around a fixed sun, so God is unmoveable, unchangable... we move. In those darkest of life's moments, when we feel neither light nor love, it is not God, who left us, but we, who left Him.

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