Friday, November 16, 2012

Goodbye, Single Life!

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..."  ~Semisonic
Ok, so they might not be the deepest of lyrics, but as a new beginning is looming in the very near future, these lyrics keep coming back to haunt me. The adventurer in me has always loved change, but the sentamental side has difficulty saying goodbye. New is always exciting, but old is often comforting, and when the old has been good, to trade it in for the unknown can be a little scary.

 Only a month left before I trade in the single, carefree life of a nomad for the title "Mrs." - complete with a new name, new home, and new roommate (more like LIFE-mate). It's not so much scary as it is just a bit unbelievable. Even after two years of being courted by my sweetheart, it is hard to picture myself as a married woman, but ready or not, here I come! Goodbye, single life; HELLO husband!

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