Monday, November 09, 2015

The Latest Challenge

I've always thought of myself as pretty strong. I used to work out pretty regularly and I have always been active, even without a work-out routine in place. As with most women, my weakest point is the upper body, particularly shoulders and forearms. This is quickly becoming a problem for me, especially since I do not have the time I need to increase strength in these areas. In fire school, we have gotten to the section on ladders - taking ladders off of the rig, raising ladders up against buildings, and putting ladders back up on the rig. Each one of those things looks so easy when I watch other people do it, but it feels nearly impossible when I am doing it myself.  Thankfully, the proctors were not judging us on stylistic points. A little huffing and puffing and some finagling eventually got the ladder in place. Needless to say, I will be working out my shoulders and triceps a bit harder before the next test.

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