Tuesday, November 22, 2005

This is a Test... it is ONLY a Test!

That's what I've been telling myself today =)

It was the kind of morning wher you get to work early just because it's better than stumbling around your apartment in the dark (with roommates in the bedrooms and roommate's friends in the livingroom, the only light that doesn't disturb anyone at 4:30 in the morning is the bathroom light). So, I arrived at work by 5:40 this morning. After looking over my ever-growing to do list and organizing a time schedule for my day to ensure that everthing gets done in a timely fashion, I hear the little Microsoft Outlook "ding." I waited a moment to check what it was because I wanted to finish what I was doing. Several minutes later I hear a second "ding." This time I decided to see what the new emails were about. The first one began with:

"Background for our new project!"
followed by a LONG email. The second email was the first email, forwarded, with one little addition...

"FYI -- Ms. K. B. has the lead for this project..."
With two overdue projects , along with some not-so-urgent tasks, on my hands, I assumed I was not up for any new projects (guess that'll teach me not to assume anything!).

I just have to keep reminding myself, this is all just a test. When I look back at the end of my life, I will not remember the stress, the deadlines, how many projects were finished on time, or even finished at all, but God, who sees the heart, knows what I've done with the opportunities given and He will remember whether or not I lived for Him during the difficult times.

So... I will try to keep smiling as I remember, this is only a test. =)

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