Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Baby Tigers

One of my CDs has a song entitled "Paper Tigers." When C. first heard it, she replaced "paper" with "baby," thinking it sounded much cuter. "Besides," she used to say, "who ever heard of being chased by paper tigers? At least baby tigers can chase you." I have recently been keeping up with the new baby tigers in the National Zoo, via the "TigerCam," and it made me think of C. and this song. Here are the lyrics, as modified by C.

Heart pounds to the sound comin after me
Step back. what is that? its a mystery
Is it somethin'? probly nothin'
Still I find a way to scare myself
Til I remember this all feels familiar
And I know better

They are only baby tigers followin' me
In the wild imagination of the make believe, oh
And there's a fighter, a survivor arisin' in me
I'm not afraid of baby tigers

Night brings creepy things, and I hide away
False fears disappear in the light of day
(light of day)The sun is risin; Im realizin
The only thing to fear is fear itself
Now I am certain that my beast of burden
Isn't worth the worry

They are only baby tigers followin' me
In the wild imagination of the make believe, oh
And there's a fighter, a survivor arisin' in me
I'm not afraid of baby tigers
~ Jaci Velasquez

If you want to check out the baby tigers, it is best to try between the hours of 0800 and 1200 because that is when the lighting is best.

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