Thursday, August 30, 2007

On "Cream Cheese" and "Giggles"

or How Nicknames Stick

In the last month, I have acquired a number of nicknames. I wish I could say they came about due to my great skill and expertise - names like "gunfighter" or "fast-track" - but no, they have more to do with my weaknesses. =( One of the driving instructors commented on how much I laugh. I didn't say a whole lot during the driving classes because what was there to say? I did laugh a lot though, usually at my own mistakes or those of my classmates. Anyway, during the night vision driving, I was definitely more giggly than usual (I would like to blame it on lack of sleep). Well, the instuctor began calling me "Giggles," not just to me, but even over the radio so all the instructors could hear. The name caught on and I became "Giggles" during driving classes.

The following week, during linguist training, I greeted a man (role player), whom we were interrogating, with a "good morning, how are you?" Although he replied in another language, I knew he was not just wishing me a good morning, but when I asked our translator, she said "he says good morning too." After the class was over, and I was talking to the aforementioned role player and translator, I asked what was really said at that point. The guy seemed reluctant to answer, but the girl told me he said "good morning, cream cheese" (or what would be the equivalent of "hi, sweetie pie"). He tried to explain himself by telling me that that would have the response of any guy in his country if they saw a cute girl, then went on to say that they love blondes. This all took place in front of many of my male classmates, who found this quite amusing and continue to call me "Cream Cheese" (BTW, did I mention that the role player was a VERY good-looking, well-built man?!). The guys have gotten a LOT of milage out of that one! =)

1 comment:

Lonely_Road said...

Hey ,

I went through ur blog a couple of times and did read it..... its nice.... the way u writs its really nice.....

well once in a while when i am in office i do c what u have posted......

Cya ! ! !