Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Celebrating far from home

It's become the norm to celebrate my birthday in strange places, on the campaign trail, on various work-related trips, etc. But this is the first time I've celebrated my birthday in a foreign country. It was a rather interesting (but fun) day. =) It began with MCMAP training, then moved onto breakfast at the chow hall. I went back to my room and opened the package that a dear friend sent to me (she told me I could not open it until my birthday, so it has been sitting there for over a week - the suspense has been killing me!). Work began at 0830, as usual and the fun began. L thought it would be fun to decorate my work space with pictures of Orlando Bloom and Justin Timberlake. =P I got lots of e-cards and messages on Facebook from my family and friends back in the states (it's always nice to know you have not been forgotten!). L, K, and I went to the main-side chow hall for lunch so we could get ice cream (yummy!). The day continued with some shopping and a stop at the coffee shop for a mango smoothie. L told everyone we met or ran into that it was my birthday. I had Marines, guards, and random people wishing me a happy birthday (the guy at the chow hall responded by over-filling my bowl with ice cream =P). For the remainder of the day, people stopped in the office with well wishes. It was not like any birthday I've ever had before...It will definitely be a birthday that I will always remember. =)

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