Tuesday, November 06, 2007

On PFTs and Pride

Since I have been working with a bunch of Marines, I have done my best to assimilate and become part of the group. I don't chew, smoke, or swear, so I am at somewhat of a disadvantage. However, I do like physical activity and Marines are all about physical activity! =) They run just about every day (I join them about every other). They train in martial arts at 0530 on weekdays (I am there faithfully, kicking, punching, and ground-fighting with the best of them). And they have PFTs. Now, I have never had to do a PFT (physical fitness test) for anything in my life, but I figured I would give it a go (I mean, how bad could 100 crunches, a 70 second arm hang, and a 3 mile run be?!). The arm hang was first... I was down after 15 seconds (pitiful!). The crunches came next... 100, no problemo! Then the run... I have never come so close to throwing up after a run in all my life! It was all I could do to keep the pizza, salad, and stir-fry from lunch down (ok, so a HUGE lunch right before a PFT is not a brilliant idea... now I know. =P). After all of that, my total score was a 170 out of a possible 300. Now THAT is a major blow to the ego! =( I was only shooting for a 225... maybe that was my problem. I should have aimed higher. In any case, I will conquer that arm hang by the time I leave here! =P In the meantime, a dose of humility every once in a while can be a good thing.

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