Tuesday, March 25, 2008

If you could, would you?

I have no idea what sparked the conversation topic, but my supervisor asked me if I would do anything differently if I could live my life over. It's not like it's a question I haven't asked myself before, but still, it made me stop and think. I know most people regret not having said or done certain things... I would have to say that my greatest regrets have more to do with things I have said or done and wish I had not. Maybe it is better to just not think about it... but if given the opportunity to redo this past year, I would change a lot. I think that most of my bad decisions stemmed from one decision: to go to Iraq. I'm pretty sure my life would be very different if I had never gone. I would not have had the opportunity to make many of the stupid mistakes I made and would have been available to take a job I wanted, but most importantly, I would have been here for my Grandfather and the rest of my family when they needed me. That is my greatest regret. Knowing what I know now, would I really give it all up? Yeah... as much as I loved my time in Iraq... all the relationships built and amazing things experienced... I think I would.

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