Saturday, October 31, 2009

On Fathers and Daughters

It's often been said that a daughter marries a man who is similar to her father. Growing up, I didn't believe it. But as I watch my friends get married, it is funny how often that is the case. My friends whose fathers are engineers tend to go for the engineer types, those with fairly authoritarian fathers seem to go for men with strong personalities. And for myself, I tend to go for the cocky, guitar-playing types.
Even for fathers and daughters who do not share a close relationship, there is a bond there that though undeniable is hard to describe. The older I get, the more I see this in my own life. While my Mom is the one I would like to emulate, it is my Dad that I tend to see in myself. It's in the little things... he was a runner, I like to run. When things aren't going well, he turns to his guitar, I do too. He is super-messy, and as much as I hate to admit it, so am I. His sense of smell is keener than most - things like the lingering scent of soap on dishes drives him crazy, I also suffer from this. There are a number of other things that come to mind, but it would take too long to list them all here.
All that to say, I find it very interesting the way God made fathers and daughters. I often don't appreciate my Dad. And lately I've been thinking that I shouldn't take him for granted, instead, I should enjoy the common interests and eccentricities we do share.

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