Friday, May 13, 2011

Natural Bridge, VA

When you are stuck in the middle of nowhere, it is pretty much imperative that you strike out into the great unknown of your environment and explore the beauty that can be found (in reality, beauty can be found just about anywhere if you just look for it). Well, that is just what CJ and I decided to do last weekend. We chose to head west to a historical point of interest known as Virginia's natural bridge (coincidentally located in Natural Bridge, VA - ok, so it wasn't a coincidence). Why historical you ask? There are a few historical aspects, dating back to our forefathers in the 1700s... and then of course, there is always the fact that God created it thousands of years ago. Here's the stuff I learned while there... Jefferson bought it (along with much of the land around it) from King George III for 20 shillings (approx. $2.40) back in 1774. Even before that, George Washington (you know, like the first President of the United States? yeah, that one) surveyed the bridge and carved his initals 23 feet up on the inside of the bridge. I'm sure I'll never know how he managed to get 23 feet up, seeing as they hadn't invented cherry pickers yet.

It's nearly impossible to make out the "GW," but I am told that is what is in the little white box and of course I believe everything I am told (obviously). ;)

Almost as soon as we got past the concession stands, we arrived at the natural bridge. CJ and I were rather disappointed because after driving more than an hour to get there, we were all ready for a nice long hike. Besides the fact they charged a whopping $18 PER PERSON (is that not INSANE?!). I mean I didn't pay a cent (because my guys is awesome like that), but it's the principle of the matter. They should not be allowed to charge for something that should be open to the public. It is a national historical landmark, so I have no doubt my tax dollars make their way to Natural Bridge, VA. It's not like they even provide you with a ski lift to the top like the natural bridge in Kentucky. In fact, they don't even allow you to hike up to the top at all. Ok, I'll step down from my soapbox now...

In any case, it was pretty, and worth seeing once.

We did continue hiking past the bridge along Cedar Creek. It was quite beautiful and the weather was perfect!

At the end of the trail were some small falls... great photo opportunity, which I did not let slip away. I offered to take a picture of a nearby couple and of course they offered to return the favor. So, I got a cute shot of CJ and myself in front of said falls. Maybe I'll post it on Facebook. =)

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