Sunday, July 09, 2006

Some useful info for my single girlfriends

Fireworks are dangerous! ...I mean attending the event can be dangerous. I went to two different shows at two different beaches while I was home (one on Saturday and one on Tuesday). On Saturday night, we set up a blanket and I read Mr. Midshipman Hornblower (the first of the C.S. Forrester series - I highly recommend it!) to my family as we waited for the sun to set so the show could begin. A little boy, about 3 years old came over and just stood there looking at me (I had no idea, since I was completely taken in by the book I was reading - Mom was the one who brought my attention to the little boy). I didn't know what he wanted so I asked him, "Do you need something?" His response was absolutely adoreable! He pointed to the soccer ball next to me and said, "I want to play soccer. With you!" Unfortunately, I had to turn him down due to the crowds of people surrounding us (there was just no room to kick a soccer ball around, which is why it was not being used to begin with). He seemed a little embarassed and ran away into his father's arms. If only boys were that easy to scare away when they got older!...

My next little boy at the fireworks encounter was on Tuesday. This one was completely Sushi's fault! She kept looking at this guy (he was little in size, not age) who was playing frisbee because he kept looking at her. Eventually, he came over and asked us if we wanted to play too. We declined. He came back again and wanted to talk. I could not get rid of him, even when I informed him that the woman next to me was my Mom and not my sister (as he originally thought)! He talked and talked, and eventually went back to his family. Just as we were getting ready to leave, I went down to the water to take one last picture of the moon over the ocean, and he followed me - he was right in my face in seconds! Despite the fact that he had no concept of personal space, it was all I could do to keep from laughing as he stood there next to me, only rising to the height of my chin! He told me I had beautiful eyes and that he wanted to paint my portrait (keep in mind, this is several hours after the sun set - there is now way he could even tell what color my eyes were!). Then he tried to give me one of those glow-in-the-dark necklaces: "I bought this for you." My response: "You don't even know me." He was NOT disuaded. "I want to get to know you." The fact that I live miles away from him did not bother him either. "What is five hours?" In the end he was left standing alone on the beach without my email address or phone number (both of which he asked for). I felt a little bad for him, but not bad enough. Besides, at that moment, all I really wanted to do was kill Sushi for getting us involved in the whole thing!

So, my advice to all you young ladies who want to watch the fireworks... bring the biggest guy friends you can find along with you to scare off all the little boys. =)

1 comment:

Derby said...

you can take me..