Friday, October 06, 2006

I am gonna get myself arrested yet!

I can't help it. I am a picture-taker. It does not matter where I am or who I am with, my camera is ever present and ready to snap any random shot I so choose. Wednesday, as I walked to my car after work, I noticed something fuzzy in the grill of a large SUV. I had already passed it, but I was curious and so went back for a second look. I was quite surprised by what I saw and decided I should take a picture so I could get a second (and third and fourth) opinion on whether or not it was real. So, there I am in the middle of the Navy Yard parking lot, taking a picture of the front of someone's car. I received a number of curious looks from passers-by, but no one stopped me.

For your viewing pleasure, here is what I saw:

It was unanimously confirmed that this was inndeed a real bat. UGH! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

jules said...

awww, kerri, he's cute!

and yes, THANK YOU, somebody else liked Breathless :)
