Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Life Goes On

I was so dreading the thought of re-entering reality for several weeks, and now that it has happened... well, it is not as horrible - uh...yeah it kinda is, but it has it's upsides. It has been nice to have more time to spend with my friends (friends I had pretty much neglected for 7 weeks). My enjoyment of cooking has also been renewed after eating out the whole time I was gone. I have cooked dinner every night since I've been back: a chicken dinner (complete with mashed potatoes), chicken soup, chili, tacos, chicken salad, and my newest invention (I'm sure it exists somewhere, but it is new to me), breaded pork chops, baked with apples (that was last night and it was yummy!). I have actually been VERY domestic since I've been back. I mean, I even bought a vacuum (granted, it's a shopvac, but hey, what do you want from me?!).

So, the latest project is refinishing my bed frame. I took it apart, sanded down the head and foot boards to the original wood, stained them "Olde Maple," and am in the middle of varnishing them now. One more coat should do it. I am looking forward to having this done so I can get my apartment back to some semblance of order! Right now my mattress is in the middle of the livingroom floor, where I am currently sleeping each night. This causes much difficultly when it comes to maneuvering around my livingroom (those who have seen my place understand what I am talking about).

Beyond that, there is very little going on. I miss the excitement of, well... of everything. I miss the comfy king-size bed, and having my room cleaned for me every day. But most of all, I miss the people. I miss running with G_, shopping with with the girls, watching "Project Runway" with R_... I even miss J_'s jokes, and C_'s endless teasing. So, it's back to reality, but life goes on.

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