Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Yeah, uh... I'm in a band

It all began…

Actually, this is one of the most ridiculous stories ever. Even now as I write it, I have to laugh, thinking "this could only happen to me!"

I was in the chow hall with about eight other co-workers. We were all wandering around, getting our food when this guy who looks totally unfamiliar to me walks up and says "you go to the 10:30 service" (referring to the church service). I was not quite sure if it was a question or a statement. I replied, "yes, I went this past Sunday." It was the only Sunday I had been here. He said, "yes, I saw you there. You sing." Again, I wasn't quite sure if it was posed as a question, but I responded as though it was: "yes, I love singing." Finally, he got to his point! He informed me that the worship team at church needed vocalists and asked if I would go to practice the following night. I told him I would think about it, and went in search of my co-workers, who were all sitting down and eating by that time.

I did go to practice that Saturday night. It was a lot of fun. There were other people there who were just there to sing along. It had been a long time (I guess since college) since I have had a chance to just sing praise songs with a group of people. This practice, however, led to other things. A rather tall, bald (BICed, if you know what I mean), Army guy came up to me and asked if I would join his jazz band. I hesitated and equivocated and finally told him I would "see what I could do" about coming to practice that night.

In the end, I did go. We practiced a few songs, I was given a "band name" and put through "initiation," so now I am one of the band.

You know, ever since I can remember I have always wanted to be in a band. Granted, when I was little I wanted to be a punk rocker (hey, it was the 80s) and play the drums. So, I may not be playing any instruments (although they did offer - actually beg - for me to open with a number on the guitar, which I vehemently declined), but at least my childhood dream has been fulfilled. I am officially part of the band. And our first concert is on Friday. I am so nevous, it is not even funny! I have not sung in front of a large group in a very long time, and I've got several solos no less!

I know this is one of the craziest things I have ever done, but I couldn't help myself on this one! =P

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