Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Books I need

I first came across this book while shopping in Savannah with J and K. Of course J found it absolutely apalling that I would even find such a book amusing, while K thought it was pretty funny (the difference between the sexes). I don't know... maybe it is just me (but I kinda doubt it)... from the time we are very little, there is just something in girls that finds great enjoyment in tormenting (physically or psychologically) little boys simply because (as the more intellectually advanced sex) we can.

I recently found out that the author of the Boys are Stupid book has since come out with Girls are Weirdos (but they smell pretty). While the title does not sound particularly flattering representation of the prettier half of humanity, it is actually just a confession that guys do not understand us at all, but they are attracted nonetheless and in the end the fact that we smell (and look) pretty overrides the fact that they think we are rather strange.

Anyone who knows me at all knows that I am often irritated by the entire male population. I think these books are PERFECT because sometimes laughing at boys is actually more fun than tying them to trees and making them eat worms (not that I would ever consider doing such a thing). =P

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