Thursday, July 31, 2008

National Cheesecake Day celebration...

I mean there really is only one way to celebrate National Cheesecake Day and that is to eat cheesecake! So, like good little citizens, N. and I made our way to the Cheesecake Factory last night. We waited on the long line up to the hostess desk only to be told that we would have to wait another hour and a half. We, however, did not let this little setback stop us. We went shopping at the nearby Crate & Barrel and Pottery Barn. When we went back to pick up one of those little buzzer things that let you know when your table is available, N. found an open table at the bar, so our wait was not that bad after all. =) Actually, it was kinda funny... just as we were paying the bill, the buzzer went off (it would have been a 1 hour and 45 minute wait if N. hadn't found that table for us!). Oh, and did I mention that the cheesecake was only $1.50 a slice?! Yeah... it was a good day. =)

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