Tuesday, September 16, 2008

General Update

Life is insane. It is official. All summer I have been running around (limited to travel withing the continental US, but running nonetheless). I have one more weekend booked and then I think I have some chill time coming up (of course, that could change at a moment's notice). I have lived in my "new" apartment for over 5 months now and FINALLY just got around to painting my room this past weekend (it looks FABULOUS, btw). Next up is the bathroom. That is NOT going to be fun since whoever did it last must have been drunk at the time. It needs to be sanded down and all that. It should take a little while. Plus, I have to be careful not to get paint on the tiling around the shower.

Along with painting, I also spent my weekend gallavanting around NYC and going to a Switchfoot/Third Day/Jars of Clay concert in NJ. You may ask "how does she do it?" What can I say, some people are just born AWESOME! =P I will post pictures as soon as the internet comes back up in my apartment. I don't know what the deal is...? it has been all kinds of jacked up since Saturday.

I ran a 10k with my roommate... it took me an hour, which I did not think was bad (for a self-proclaimed non-runner), but I did come in 46th out of 55 (thank you, Air Force! Someone's gotta pull up the rear! =]).

This week I begin Arabic classes, paint all the molding in my room and hopefully start on the bathroom. I have a flag football game on Saturday morning and a wedding that afternoon (I'm hoping to escape without any bruises so I can look all cute in my sexy little black dress). Besides that, I don't think I have anything else going on. I plan to spend more time with my guitar as I have neglected it a little this last week. I am also going to make dinner at least one night this week. My roommate has been doing better than I have with the whole cooking thing lately. It's just hard... with all that has been going on, food is not a priority. I have learned that protein shakes are a girl's best friend. =P

And there you have it... an update on my life. =)

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