Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Some Things Never Change...

So, I was out running this morning (something I do more consistently in the warm weather). I was at about 2 and a 1/2 miles, listening to my mp3 player, chatting with my friend, and not paying attention to the uneven surface beneath my feet. And like that, I was down. My ankle rolled and the rest of my body followed. I had a flash-back to my childhood. I always fell as a kid. I never owned pants that didn't eventually have holes in the knees, because I spent more time on the ground than I did on my feet. I did a quick check on my knees and to my surprise there were no holes... hmmm... maybe I am getting better with age. That thought didn't last long. Because when I returned home and stepped into the shower, the hot water caused that all-too familiar stinging sensation that accompanies topical injuries. So, both my pride and my knees are rather bruised. As it turns out, fabric companies have improved more over the years than I have. Oh well... =(

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