Friday, February 05, 2010

When it Rains it Pours!

Or so they say... I guess today, it is more like "when it snows, it blizzards." In any case, I am using the term metaphorically as it was intended.

Unemployment has lasted much longer than I ever expected. I have entered my seventh month of sloth and lack of income. Some days are harder than others, but the Lord always provides. Until the last 2 weeks, the entire time of job searching was as unrewarding as it could possibly be - not a single phone call or email response, no less an interview for all the hundreds of resumes I submitted! Silence. The cold shoulder. I felt very unwanted. But those days are now over. I have had one interview, have another one next week, and am waiting for a job offer on a third one. Now, the problem is, which one do I accept if I am offered more than one? They each have their own advantages and disadvantages. One would keep me here - the least exciting and most comfortable. One would have me on the road (or in the air) all the time - I would have no life outside of work and my hours would be completely unpredictable. The third would send me to Iraq for a year - it's a contract position, so no job security once the year is up, and seeing as it is in a war zone, the most dangerous of the three. The third is obviously the most appealing to me for many reasons, but I can't help but wonder if it is fair to do this to my family again? I have put them through so much already. I know it is hard for my Mom when I am that far away... she worries (a normal Mom response, considering the circumstances). I just don't know... Is it a selfish choice?

This may all be jumping the gun seeing as I have not actually been offered any of the aforementioned positions, but these are the thoughts currently running through my brain.

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