Monday, April 03, 2006

"Born to be Unsatisfied"

We are born with a lingering hunger
We are born to be unsatisfied
We are strangers who can't help but wander
And dream about the other side of -

Someday all that's crazy
All that's unexplained
Will fall into place
And someday all that's hazy
Through a clouded glass
Will be clear at last
And sometimes we're just waiting
For someday

Every puzzle's missing piece
Every unsolved mystery
More than half of every whole
Rests in the Hands that hold you for someday.

~ Nichole Nordeman, Someday

We are certainly not called to be discontent, but we will not have the culmination of fulfillment until we reach heaven. The Westminster shorter catechism says "man's chief end is glorify God and enjoy Him forever." We can do that defectively for now, but someday we will experience the perfection of our "chief end." I think if we can remember anything of our former lives at that point, we will look back and say, "this is what I was missing my whole life!"

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