Thursday, May 25, 2006

Italy Pics cont'd... Pompeii

Now there is rather interesting story that goes along with these pictures, but I am not going to elaborate here. =)

We took the train to Pompeii (it's only a half hour south of Naples). The farther away from Naples we got, the prettier the scenery was. The picture below was taken through the window of the train.

Even before getting through the gate, some of the ruins can be seen. I was shocked at how huge the area of ruins at Pompeii really were! We did not even see it all, and I was amazed by all that I did see.

The mountain in the background is Vesuvian, the volcano that destroyed Pompeii. It is still an active volcano. The last time it has done anything was in 1944. Still, 700,000 people live in the Vesuvian danger zone. I guess they aren't too worried that it will do to them what it did to the ancient Pompeiians.

I think these are Doric columns (Greek in origin, but the Romans appropriated much of Greek art and architecture).

On both sides of this cobblestone street are the remains of what used to be homes. Many of them have little plaques on them, denoting who lived in that particular spot in the 1st century.

Ionic columns at sunset (a little more ornate on top than the Doric columns).

This amphitheater seemed to appear out of nowhere. I literally gasped when I saw it. It was more impressive in real life. Some things just can't be captured on film (or SD card as the case may be =P).

I just liked this shot. The sunset was not vibrant, but it was beautiful.

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