Friday, May 26, 2006

Rome in Daylight

A backside view of the Victorian from the Forum.
Titus' Arch (on the inner wall of the arch, there is a fresco of the Titus' men plundering Jerusalem in AD 70.
Circus Maximus
The ceiling of one of the long corridors in the Vatican Museum.
Rapael's famous painting of Plato and Aristotole. I wanted to take pictures in the Sistine Chapel, but it was not allowed (of course, everyone was doing it anyway - nobody obeys laws in Italy!).
St. Peter's Basilica was impressive, even from a distance!
Looking up into the dome of St. Peter's.
Inside St. Peter's. According to church traditio, Peter was buried here where the church now stands, after being hung upside-down on a cross that stood out in the piazza (now marked by an oblisk).
Outside St. Peter's. The statues are the 12 apostles and Jesus. Each one is holding the instrument that was used to kill them.
One of the fountains in the Piazza of St. Peter's
The pope's fortress. There is supposedly an underground tunnel that leads from the Basilica to the castle... or something like that.
This was my favorite shot of St. Peter's!
La Bocca della Verita (the Mouth of Truth). I had to see this because it was in "Roman Holiday" with Gregory Peck =) It was actually not that easy to find! It was moved to inner wall of a church portico across the street from the piazza where it once hung.

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