Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Italy Pics...Naples

We flew over the Swiss Alps before landing in Milan, where we caught the connecting flight to Naples.
There was history everywhere! This is a plexiglass tile in the floor of a store. Below it, you can see an ancient well and some pottery that was found there.
I just LOVE this pic! My rather innovative collegue thought he was funny, making the Italian flag out of gummy bears. =) The gummy bears, by the way, were the real deal - straight from Germany and written in that language.
The BEST Neopolitan pizza in the world (as it should be since it is in Naples and has been for almost 200 years!). We were searching for da Michelle's... if you look at the sign, you will see why it was not the easiest thing to find. =P
This is a typical side street in Naples. Most were not this quiet, though... even at 1 a.m. there were people on vespas (motorcycles) everywhere.
A sailing ship in Napoli Bay. I think that is Vesuvius (the volcano that destroyed Pompeii in AD 79) in the background.
A pyramid of sorts, near the waterfront area of Naples. The way more modern structures were built right up against it is so typical of the Italians. One of the tour guides said they often did that to lend stability to the newer structures because the buiding of the Roman Empire were known for their strength and workmanship.
When I wasn't touring the town, this is where I was working (yup, I actually did work). =P
The Italian countyside, as seen from the window of a train, on the way to Rome.

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