Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The adventures of Sushi and Sunshine

Scene 1: Bath and Bodyworks

Sunshine: Try the Cherry Blossom lotion. It smells really good!
Sushi: EWWW! It doesn't smell good, and now it's all over my hands!
Sunshine: Oh, you're right that one doesn't smell good. I guess it was Sweet Pea I was thinking of. My bad.

Sushi: Ooh! Pina Colada!
Sunshine: Here, give me your arm. *sprays Pina Colada body spray on Sushi's arm*
Sushi: EWWW! This one's gross too! Now I'm STINKY!

*shoppers turn and stare at Sushi*

Sushi: *sprays Sunshine with Strawberry Daiquiri body spray, while displaying a look of triumph* There now you smell stinky too!
Sunshine: *sniffs arm* Yum! This stuff smells GOOD!
Sushi: NOOOO! *triumphant looks deflates into defeat*

Scene 2: The National Gallery of Art
Sunshine and Sushi are sitting on a bench, by the fountain, eating cereal from a ziplock bag that Sushi had packed.

Sushi: This is good cereal. *munch, munch*
Sunshine: Yup. *reaches for more*

Sunshine: Why does it taste like the air freshener in my living room?
Sushi: *BURSTS OUT LAUGHING* I was WONDERING what that flavor was?!

*Both laugh uncontrollably as tears stream down their faces, and the onlookers stare in amazement at these poor people who obviously suffer from some mental disorder*

Sushi: I laid the bags next to the air freshener. I didn't think it could absorb the flavor through the plastic!
Sunshine: Oh, you put the Cheez-it bag there too? You stupid-head! *laughing at Sushi*
Sushi: Guess we better taste the Cheez-its.
Sunshine: *eats a Cheez-it* Well, it tastes better than the cereal.

Sushi: Smell this! *holds piece of cereal up to Sunshine's nose* We could use this as potpourri.
Sunshine: Yeah, or breath freshener.
Sushi: ...or a new form of air freshener. We could be walking air fresheners. I think this museum is smelling better already!

*Both return to fits of laughing that attracts the attention of all in the quiet auditorium*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brilliant!!!!!!!
