Thursday, April 12, 2007

Ce qui est un bateau... est liberté.

Je suis ainsi besoin de la liberté en ce moment elle ne a pas même drôle !

It is almost here! I can't even believe it. 48 hours from now I will be on a jet, headed for freedom. =) I have my passport and boarding pass, but beyond that, I am not exactly ready. There are still bags to pack, my apartment to set in order, and as always, books to take back to the library. =P Oh well, it will all get done, and if it doesn't, I just won't think about it. NOTHING is going to ruin this vacation! If you couldn't tell from all the French in this post, the part I am most looking forward to is our time in France. I am imagining already all of the pictures I will be able to take. If you thought I was bad last year... hehehe... just remember this trip is more than twice as long. =P

Je vous parlerai plus tard !

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