Tuesday, April 10, 2007

4 days and counting...

I don't know if it's just my family or if all families are like this... While I was home over the weekend, I got to hear about all the latest cruise ship disasters (especially the Sea Diamond), since Fortitude and I will be boarding one on Saturday. All of that got me thinking about the Titanic (my favorite sinking ship of all time - I'm sure that sounds messed up, but as I child, I was so fascinated with the story and all the honorable men, who heeded the cry of "women and children first," that I read every book I could find on the subject). Don't worry, I did not have any crazy fantasies of being Rose or anything (that movie did not come out until I was in my late teens, besides I was realistic enough to know I would have drowned down in the steerage compartment with all the third class passengers). At one time I did, however, wish I could've been on the Poseiden. I remember watching The Poseidon Adventure with my Dad when I was pretty little and thought it would be very cool to be on a ship that capsized! I have since changed my mind. I would rather just have a fun (instead of an overly-adventurous) cruise. Anyway... back to the Titanic. As I was thinking about it, it hit me that we would be leaving on the same date as the Titanic sank 95 years ago: April 14th. I am not superstitious and am not actually worried (especially seeing lifeboat regulations have changed since then and we will not be running into the problem Titanic's passengers faced). I'm sure our trans-atlantic crossing will be much less eventful. I just thought it was an interesting fact.
The ship I will be on is larger than the Titanic. It is 1020 feet long and has a passenger capacity of 3,114, as opposed to the Titanic's length of 882 feet, 9 inches. Yet, despite the increase in size and amenities, there is something lacking in the modern cruise ships. They don't have the elegance a ship like the Titanic had. I would still love to go back in time and travel across the ocean in one of those ship (preferably one that did not sink), even if it was in the steerage compartment.

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