Friday, April 13, 2007

Spring in my little neighborhood...

I went running as soon as I got back from work yesterday. Everything was so beautiful! I was one of those sun-after-the-rain kind of days, and the sunlight glittered on every petal and every blade of grass, reflecting back from the smooth surfaces of the concrete and asphalt. So, of course, I had to go back out with a camera and take pictures. =)

While I was taking this picture, I got a rather (I was going to say "queer" look, but I guess that would give the wrong conotation) quizzical look from one of the neighbors.

The wind picked up just as I was about to take this shot. In the end, I had to hold the flower still with my left hand as I took the picture with my right.

I really liked this person's yard. It just seemed so peaceful!

Dogwood... I think. Isn't the sunlight on this flower just gorgeous?

Little Daffodill poked its head through the chain-link fence to say hi. =)
Daffodills amids cherry blossom petals

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