Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hypocrisy Exposed

Thy Word is lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path... Psalm 119:105
A friend of mine recently told me that we have to walk in the light we are given. If we are given guidance and turn from it, we can't expect to be given more. While I know this to be true, I have not been living this way. I said I was asking for guidance, but what I was really asking for was that the light would shine in a different direction. I wanted a specific job, a specific guy - and I prayed about these things, but I am realizing that I did not want direction. I wanted affirmation - a celestial smile of approval that would allow me to move forward. Well, it never came. It looks like I will not be getting the job I had hoped for. The guy... well, I think I knew from the moment we met, that it would never work. And me? Well, I am trying to come to terms with reality - the reality of my own failures and shortcomings, and the reality that seeking God's will for my life is more than wishing on a shooting star. I need to be honest with myself and realize that the happiness that comes from walking in the light is not necessarily the happiness of fulfilled desires. Sometimes our desires are met... and sometimes they are transformed... to mirror His promises. So, for the time being I am trying to find my way back to the lit path (stumbling around in the dark is getting old).


Michelle said...

God has a greater plan for your life than you do

xteethx said...

thanks for such an honest post. your desire to follow God is inspiring