Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Remembering Nanny

On this day 109 years ago, my great-grandmother was born. Her name was Amy, but to her many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, she was simply, "Nanny" or "Nan." The most kind-hearted woman I have ever known, she will forever be a role model for me. She lived to 92. I feel so blessed to have had to chance to know Nanny. She spent every summer of my childhood with us here in the north and then migrated to Florida in the winter. One of the most memorable weeks of my childhood is the one my cousins and I spent in Florida with Nanny - picking oranges and grapefruit right off the tree, singing for her friends (we were used to performing on demand), playing the number game... the list goes on and on.
Her life was not an easy one, and yet she lived it with such grace. I'm not sure I will ever come near to becoming the godly woman that she was, but it is something I can strive for. She went to be with the Lord almost 17 years ago, but her memory will remain with me forever.
I love you, Nanny!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

There is so much to be learned from our elders. Wow, 92, I can't imagine all the wisdom she must have accumulated.