Wednesday, May 03, 2006

We are a Vain Country!

Walking into the lunch room this morning, I heard some shocking statistics on Fox New. Did you know that 63% of women and 55% of men would rather be poor and have the perfect body weight, than be rich and have to lose a lot of weight?! It's amazing, with a statistic like that, that the obesity rate could be so high in the US. Here are some other findings from the weight poll:
  • 58% of women and 54% of men say they'd rather be unemployed than gain 75 pounds.
  • 27% of women say they'd rather get their wisdom teeth pulled than shop for swimsuits. (what do you thing about that, Leesi? Oh, I forgot, you have the perfect body, this doesn't really apply to you)
  • 36% of women and 48 percent of men say their abdominal muscles are the body part they would most like to change. (why? just keep your shirt on and no one will see your abs =])
  • 42% of men and 27% of women say their arms are the body part they are happiest with.

1 comment:

Derby said...

it's not just vanity. If I were overweight, I couldn't play basketball, ultimate, or soccer as well.