Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Not for the weak of, I mean, stomach

Up until today I felt like I have done a fairly good job of keeping up with the guys and holding my own, but then came first aid training... The first bad thing that happened was that I was asked to be the victim, lying flat on my belly in front of the class (which would not have been bad - I could have fallen asleep if she didn't have to do all those demonstrations on me!). When the touching began, I held it together for as long as I could (it wasn't long) until my entire body began convulsing in a fit of giggles (what the instructor did not realize when she chose me is that I am probably the single most ticklish person in the universe!). I was DYING!!! I just kept thinking this can't go on much longer - she has touched every part of my body that is reachable, but then she would manage to get her hand further down my vest, or under my body. When I was finally rolled onto my back, I could feel the tears (my eyes always tear up when I laugh) rolling down my cheeks. At that point, one of the guys suggested that the instructor demonstrate inserting the nose tube. I tried to shoot him a look of death, but it was difficult, given my rather vulnerable position. Thankfully, the instructor did not even consider his request. After all that torture was over, we had to practice on each other (fortunately, there was another girl in my group!). The second bad part of the day was the practical exercise... We had three manequins in various states of injury and we had to be the first reponders. After pulling the pants off our guy, we quickly assertained that his left leg was badly cut and his femoral artery was pumping out blood very quickly (in reality, a raw chicken breast with tubes pumping fake blood was strapped to the life-sized doll). I applied pressure to the wound as an instructor continually kept the blood pumping. Unfortunately, the tube came loose and flew our of the chicken, spraying one of my classmates in the face. This was more than I could handle and I let out a loud shriek. Once the tube was back in place, we continued putting the tourniquet on (or I should say my classmate did, while I held the chicken down as blood spurted through my fingers and all over the concrete). I was truly nausiated. The blood not only looked real, but because it had been out in the hot sun for a while before the exercise began, it was the right temperature too. I was very thankful for my latex gloves, but even that was not enough. I was never more happy to be finished with a class before in my life. And now I know for sure that I could NEVER be a nurse! Unfortunately, I head back for more of the same tomorrow I am afraid... I can only hope it goes better. C, I have a whole new respect for you!!!

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